Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My plans for this summer 2011!

The summer is coming up soon and i am so excited.
I am planing to go to Africa for atleast one month with my cousins and grandmother because i am sure it will be so much fun there.

I will be visiting my family,too.I am planing to go to so many other places in Africa where i haven't visited before and that makes me more excited for this long journey trip with my loving family.

I hope it will be a summer that i would never forget in my entire life. 

Fingers Crossed .! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sugar magazine

Sugar is my favourite magazine and i never get bored reading it i could spend all day just sitting in my room and read this magazine.
The topics are always interesting, and since i'm still a teenager its a perfect magazine for me to read.
It usually includes stuff about fashion,celebraties, and real life stories about teenagers.

There is also a special column which is called an "advice column", that answers questions sent by readers.

Sugar also runs a nationwide model competition every year,giving the lucky teen the opportunity to win a modelling contract.
Its always interesting to know about celebraty gossips and real life problems of teenagers.
Sugar is one of the best magazines.

My Favourite Kinds Of Desserts,Sweets"

                                                                      1- Cinnabon:
                 Its one of the yummiest sugery sweets ever, with its melted sauce that is on the top of it makes it more delicious to eat it. Its a perfect dessert to have specially when a person is depressed,makes you feel better.Atleast that works for me.

2: Dunkin Donuts:
It is the most famous donuts shop in the world and the most sugery,delicious sweets anyone can try!
The interesting thing that makes people want to try is that they have so many different types of donuts with colours and nice shaped flavoure on top of the donut,it makes it more special than other normal donuts.

3-Molten Chocolate from Chili's.

When i tried it for the first time it was unbelievable! I cant describe it in words because it was amazing,
Believe it or not but it felt like heaven.
It is so yummy and i recommend every creature in this world to try it !

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The End Of This Term :')

Its the end of this term , four months of studying,having fun and working hard.
I knew alot of good people here and i really took time to fit in with the girls...

It was only four months but its was more called as : "amazing four moths" ..
I learned so many new things that i've never knew about and it helped me alot :)
I feel so unhappy knowing that its the end of this semester and we will all have to move on to another level where everyone will have to choose their own specialization , we will all be separated in different classes.

We are used to be in one crazy group and we will all end up in different classes :(

The finals are coming up really soon and everyone is getting their minds in studying all the time. I know this time the exams are going to be hard and I have to study well to get to the next and final level of this foundation!!
Soo May god help us all  (A)

Wish me luck,
fingers crossed  ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

If I could be invisible for a day ,then??!!

If I could be invisible for a day I'd do so many crazy things that i've always thought about ,but ofcourse only in my dreams . =)

First of all, I would travel around the world without passport and waiting for hours and hours at the airport,searching for my bags and all, it would be amazing just going in to a plane and get to onother country!
I think it would be fun.

The other thing I might do is control people maybe :p I accually thought of that and I think it would be strange to them but to me, controlling them would be great and funny! HAHA but ofcourse not in a bad way :p


One of the craziest things I would probably do is getting into a wedding that I'm not invited in and just act normal with people :p But too bad, I would be invisible :p

Those are the craziest three things i would be doing if I'd be invisible  :D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Sponge bob is an American television cartoon series.
Its an extremely energetic and hyper all the time. Its one of my favourite cartoon charectors! Its soo fun to watch it. I accually like to buy anything that has its picture on :p

I have a pillow that has a picture of sponge bob on it and i LOVE it :p I know it sounds weird somehow but
everbody has a childish side of their life and this is one of my sides :p
Its accually a sea sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea with his pet which is called (snail Gary,) who meaws like a cat ! :D
I think its the funniest,most popular cartoon ever :)

I love SpongeBob <3

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Holiday

Last week was a holiday.We had three days off and it was amazing !!

I went to so many places,I saw my friends and I had fun. There were fireworks for about eight days and everyone was thrilled to go and accually watch it live! Its the first time in Oman to have around 40 countries to contribute for the fireworks.

I accually went there with my family twice and it was a blast. On tuesday I went to eat dinner out with my friends.I really had a great time with them. On friday I went to watch the fireworks again and it was amazingly perfect! .. I enjoyed my last holiday and I cant wait for the national day holiday which will be for a whole week. Litterly means,