Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This college makes me frustrated :@

This college is getting everybody frustrated..
EveryOne knows that the roads will be closed at around 12 or 1 in the afternoon and every everyone who goes to school or even works anywhere has to go back home at around 11! But only this college is not giving any of the teachers or the students the permission to leave until 1 ! accually maybe they want us to be stuck here for hours and hours :s

But suddenly we got informed that the roads will be closed at 2 pm and we have to leave the college at 1 . Now we are fine with the situation we can atleast get home before 2pm .  :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


every two different poeple have similarity and difference between them.

I will write about Jojo and Hilary duff.

Jojo and Hilary duff are both the most famous singers in thw world.Jojo is skinny so as Hilary.They both are singers and actors.they also have the same hair colour which is blonde.Jojo is as pretty as Hilary.They both haven't sang for a while. they both have fair complection.they are both short and nice.Both of them are rich too.

There are also some differnce between them. Hilary Duff acts more than Jojo but Jojo sings more.Hilary is older than Jojo and taller than Jojo.Hilary is wearing a white top while Jojo is wearing a black dress.
Jojo is more fancier than Hilary.

In the end, they are both amazing actors and singers |:)