Sunday, October 31, 2010

WebLog- Advantages & Disadvantages.

There are so many websites which are so popular around the world. WebLog is one of them.Its one of the greatest writing sites.

There are so many positive sides of the weblog.First of all, its a good way of improving our writing skills,because we write continualy.We also learn more from the comments we recieve from other people. It is also a way of communication and reading other's weblogs.It helps us improve our reading,too.
This website is am easy and relaxing environment which helps us to express our feelings through writing what we want. What makes it more exciting is that,we can upload any photos or music or even vedios to make it more interesting for people to get into our blogs. It also can be used for buisness too.

There are  negative points of this website. Firstly,It can be so addictive and make people spend so many hours using this site,which is a negative things and can effect on them,because it will also reduce communication among the family members. If you want to have a weblog,You should know how to type because if you dont then it will take a very long time to type for those who are not familiar with keyboard. Last but not least, you may recieve bad comments from people and it can make you feel bad about your self ..

In conclusion, Weblog is a great site for people to communicate with each other but i advise you not to use it for many hours because it will get addictive.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

she went :(

Jamilaaaa is one of the closest friends i have in college,i've known her since hight school,we were together for a couple of years,and i was surprised when i found out that we are in the same class in CBFS!
I was happy knowing that i have my friend with me,when suddenly the moving college dessition came up and she is totally moving!!!
there is no spesific reason for her to go away to some other college its just that she wants to depend on her self more than she does , to be in somewhere far than home :(
its soo sad that i have to spend all these years along -.-
but i respect her dessition and am happy for her as long as she is :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My speaking test

I'll be doing my speaking test at 1.20 in the afternoon. I'm not nervous yet but i know i will be when i have nothing to say about the topic.
I'm sure the topic will be easy and i would speak about it fluently. I think i'll have butterflies in my stomach when i get to the room and look at the topic that am supposed to speak about :P